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                                                                                      ITo Crate or Not to Crate


      There are pro's & con's of crate training your puppy, however, I feel that the pro's strongly outweigh the con's. The pro's of crate training consist of; the puppy having his/her own space, a place to call their own, it makes potty training/ house training much easier because of (1) Routine & structure, (2) it is an instinctual trait for dogs and puppies to NOT defecate or urinate where they eat or sleep. This characteristic trait in itself helps to teach your puppy to wait until they get out of their sleeping area before using the bathroom.

      With that being said, puppies should never be left in a crate for long periods of time. They have very little control and only gain the ability to go longer stretches with age. This makes it very important that you understand that young dogs normally will need to go to the bathroom after; eating and drinking (for very young puppies about 20 to 30 minutes after eating or drinking), when they wake up in the mornings or after playing. It is a good idea to put toys in the crate with them, we want the crate to be an enjoyable and secure environment for your new family member.

      Some puppies are more inclined to chew than others, depending upon the breed and age, therefore, if you find that they are chewing up their mats or blankets in their crates then the mat or blanket is something to introduce at a later date.

     Crating your puppy is also great for your peace of mind; such as when you need to leave them at home alone, you can feel at ease knowing your pet is safe and secure and your furniture will be intact and in one piece when you return.

      As with any family member, human or otherwise, puppies require an abundant amount of attention and energy, therefore having a puppy that is crate trained is a great way to give you and your puppy a break (like making your kids take a nap), it is great to have the option to take a break from each other for a time.

      In comparison, the only con's of crate training are that you will have to put up with some whining, crying and barking the first few times that they are crated. However, this is normally very short lived. You may find by the third night in their crate, you will only hear a few whimpers before they fall asleep. It has been my experience that crate training your dog or puppy has many more benefits then detriments.

                                                                                                                                              Rae Anna Frame

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